

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Twas the night JJOKE style

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the JOKE
Not a lawyer was available, they are all very busy folk;
The top ten lists were written by Milgram with great care,
He hoped that no one noticed how many mistakes were in there;

The prarie doggers were nestled all snug in their cubes,
With visions of retirement they all acted like they were on ludes;
And Biben in her 'kerchief, and DeFiore with her parking meter trap,
Had just resigned after taking a long ethics nap,

When on the 2nd floor there arose such a clatter,
Larry Schwartz peeked his head out of Andy’s ass to see what was the matter.
Away to the phone he flew like a flash,
and dialed Horwitz number, Andy's ethics once again the media had put in the trash.

The New York Times had written Moreland was not as pure as the driven snow
In fact it looked like Preet thought Andy must go,
Right then Larry knew how it would appear,
He’d take the fall that was certainly something to fear,

With hardly a moment to spare he needed to be quick,
Time to get those governors appointees on JJOKE to use the ethics stick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

"Now, HORWITZ! now, LEVINE! and ROMEO!
Call Skelos we need his appointees to go balls to the wall!
Now vote as I say vote as I say vote as I say all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
Andy said get JJOKE to focus attention on someone other than I,
So a commission meeting JJOKE did hold,
Held in secret because its not the time to be bold.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard Milgram leak
JJOKE is investigating some legislator who is terribly weak.
As they ended the meeting and got ready to split,
Grandeau wrote a new blog pointing out their bullshit.

Once again JJOKE showed itself under the governors foot,
The agency reputation was tarnished with ashes and soot;
Can you imagine if the Dark Prince ever came back,
Think of all the folks he would happily sack.

John Milgram would go first that would make Dave so merry!
That hack made so many mistakes he reminded us of a cut rate Ginsberg named Barry!
Rob Cohen would be next drawn up like a bow,
Between the closet, the mute button, and his failure to file his attorney registration he absolutely needs to go;

So many old staffers have left I can’t recycle old lines,
With no one left it explains why no one gets fined;
Monica is still left from the Biben regime,
But now she talks, so unlike Marcel Marceau she’s no longer a mime .

It makes you long for the days of special counsel Ralph,
I know I know I should be ashamed of myself;
So with a wink of my eye and a twist of my head,
I’m letting LT know she has nothing to dread;

I’ll speak not another negative word, but go straight to my work,
And deposit my fees; and stop being a jerk,
And laying my middle finger aside of my nose,
And giving a nod, I’ll spell check my prose;

So to my computer I did access word pro,
Fix all my grammar it was time for me to go.
But a scorpion must sting it is in my very nature so,

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