

Thursday, December 13, 2012

JJOKE family HR Department (914)696-5555


That’s the number to dial if Ellen, Dan and Janet ducked your calls.  It belongs to Uncle Vinny DeIorio.


He’s the last of the Cuomo appointees that have any say in what goes on at JJOKE.  He also is in charge of family jobs so if you are related to anyone at JJOKE and need a job dial him up.


Now I could keep listing Commissioner’s phone numbers and I might but I don’t want any misunderstanding so let me be clear I did not get these numbers from any present Commission members or employees (other than Ellen).  I can’t speak to former commissioners and ex-employees but that’s JJOKE’s fault for not strip searching people when they left.
So all the JJOKE storm troopers can relax nobody at JCOPE is leaking phone numbers.  When it comes to  digits at the JOKE I've got mad skills yo. (oops I've been watching too much Breaking Bad).  But seriously focus on all the important things you've accomplished this year . . . funny isn't it?


And to those members of the media and the lobbying community who have thanked me for providing this public service it’s my pleasure during the Holiday season it’s always better to give than receive.

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