

Friday, October 21, 2016

Agata's eyes are wide shut

You would think after all the bad press Agata got for ignoring the Percocco financial disclosure report and his pathetic excuse filled press scrum about it, that Agata would learn to review some disclosure reports.  It is his job after all.

You would think after the Times Union spot lighted Agata's failure to enforce the reportable business relationship filings that entities employing high level 2nd floor staffers should have filed but did not that Agata would keep a closer eye on those very important ethics reform disclosure reports (I even heard a rumor that he drafted a good bit of those ethics reforms in his previous job as counsel to the governor, along with providing state services to the governors private business dealings and advice to Joe Percoco about outside employment)  I even gave Agata a heads up yesterday that one of his staffers own report was problematic.

Now if you heeded that warning Agata what comes next should not surprise you and you should be ready for media followup questions.  And not being available for comment, like you did when asked if you volunteered time to the Cuomo campaign, is essentially an admission.

The JJOKE director of investigations and enforcement, the person paid well over $120k to enforce these transparency and disclosure violations, reported in 2014 that she was an adjunct professor for NYU.  And I'm sure you've already guessed NYU is the client of a lobbyist and has not filed a business relationship report listing JJOKE's director of investigations and enforcement, Pei Pei Cheng, as a business relationship.  No different than the Lacewell and Glaser employers that failed to file there business relationship reports.  Now Lacewell is gone, Glasier is gone but Pei Pei Cheng and Seth Agata are still employed by JJOKE.   That is in a word shocking.

There are some other omissions on Pei Pei's reports but I'll save that for another day.

Fire Agata and fire Pei Pei.

Maybe if Pei Pei spent more time on her own reports she wouldn't have enough free time to go chasing the imputed gift cases she is bringing against lobbyists that hire firms that hire the adult children of public officials.  Like Apple and Evan Stavisky's clients.  And Wilson Elser for hiring Ken Bruno and Revlon for hiring Pataki's wife.  Those last two happened under my watch at the lobby commission and we didn't consider for a moment investigating either case.  My bad ooops.  Of course we did a lot of other gift cases involving public officials.

Everyday it's another Agata fuckup or coverup.


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