

Monday, November 21, 2016

Twinkie leaks 18 who's more greedy Klein or Felder?

The latest hacked email posits a real philosophical question  If a public official violates the Public Officers Law but they are a Cuomo ally did it really happen?

From: Pee Pee(JJOKE investigations)
  To:  FireAgata,Seth (JCOPE)" 
Subject: Felder comments
Date: November 20, 2016 7:59 AM
I was reading news coverage of Simcha Felder's decision to stay with the Republican majority and wondered if our great and powerful governor would like us to convince Simcha to caucus with the Senate Democrats.  If our real ethics reform governor would like Simcha to switch sides again we could open an investigation into what he ment when he said the dems did not sweeten their offer enough to make him switch.  Sure sounds like he's looking to leverage his official position to secure personal benefits, you know like bribes.   Even Jeff Klein knows enough to be discrete about that stuff.
Anyway if you grow a set or get the call from the Chair to go after Simcha let me know.  Until then I'll just keep working the DiBlasio case.
Pee Pee

From:  FireAgata,Seth (JCOPE)" 
  To:  Pee Pee(JJOKE investigations)
Subject: Felder comments
Date: November 20, 2016 7:59 AM
Let me check with the 2nd floor I'm not sure the far left governor was being honest about his intentions to help the senate dems.  In the mean time work up something on Klein and Heastie I think we may need to open lots of files in 2017 just to survive.
Seth "find me a job please" Agata

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